Et Cetera

Yard and Garden: Strawberry Care

Harvest strawberries when the fruit are uniformly redAMES, Iowa — Few can resist the allure of fresh strawberries — they're an early summer treat for many. Luckily, cultivating these delectable fruits is relatively easy. With full sun, well-drained soil and just a little bit of attention, you can reap the rewards of a tasty harvest. In this article, horticulturists with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach answer questions about strawberry care in the home garden.

What we're reading: Wool

It's an odd fact that most of what we know about our world comes from secondhand sources. So many people are contained within their small-town bubbles and rely on their faith in the news outlets and history books to tell them what the rest of the world is like. Of course, this isn't really a problem; these are secondhand sources, but they are for the most part reliable descriptions of the way things are.

What We're Reading: Investigators: Ants in our P.A.N.T.S.

This month I'm teaming up with my niece to read 'Investigators: Ants in our P.A.N.T.S.' by John Patrick Green. We're reading together as part of our library's Joined Forces Book Club. This is a graphic novel and is part of a series of books about an alligator and a crocodile who team up to catch the bad guys. It's a very popular series with kids, a

Walker and Corpman named to Iowa Central Community College Honors Lists

We’re excited to let you know that students from your area have made the Iowa Central President’s or Dean’s list for the spring 2024 semester! Bryce Walker of Vinton has been named to the President’s List at Iowa Central Community College for the spring 2024 semester.To be eligible for the President’s List, students must maintain a 4.

What we're reading: When Breath Becomes Air

Do you find yourself ever struggling to find meaning in life? Or has someone you loved died and left a lingering fear of death? If either of these questions keep you up at night: please read the memoir entitled "When Breath Becomes Air" by American neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi. A neurosurgeon so versed in the literary world that I at once felt he was my kin even though I am far removed from the scientific life.

466 Wartburg students named to Winter/May Term Dean's List

Wartburg College has recognized 466 students who were named the 2024 Winter/May Term Dean's List.The list honors students who earned a cumulative grade-point average of 3.5 or above in at least five course credits during the terms. Four of the five course credits have to be graded with a traditional letter grade.Wartburg students take four courses during Winter Term, which runs from January through April, and one course during the one-month May Term.

Gates named to University of Sioux Falls Dean's List

Aubrey Gates, daughter of Jason and Jennifer Gates of La Porte, was named to the University of Sioux Falls Spring 2024 Dean's List. Gates is majoring in Exercise Science.She is one of the more than 575 students named to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List. To qualify, students must be enrolled in at least 12 semester hours and earn a term GPA of 3.5 or greater on a 4.

Hawkeye Community College Announces Spring 2024 Graduates

The following are Hawkeye Community College spring semester graduates and their programs of study. ABBREVIATION KEY:AA Associate of ArtsAAA Associate of Applied ArtsAAS Associate of Applied ScienceAS Associate of ScienceCERT CertificateDIPL DiplomaH Honors (3.5-3.74)HH High Honors (GPA 3.75-3.99)PH Presidential Honors (GPA 4.0)FIRST/LAST NAME - CI

Bush among Central College Graduates

232 Central College students celebrated during Commencement 2024 on Saturday, May 11, in the Ron and Joyce Schipper Stadium, in Pella, Iowa. Among them were Jasmyn Bush of La Porte City. Bush earned a bachelor’s degree in December 2023 majoring in Kinesiology.Central College of Pella, Iowa, is a private, four-year college known for its academic rigor, engaged citizenship and character formation, experiential learning, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), athletics and service.

What we're reading: Still Alice

"Still Alice" by Lisa Genova tells the story of Alice Howland, Harvard professor and mother of three, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 50. We read this book for our Staff Book Club, and we felt like we were right there with Alice every step of the way. The author holds a degree in Biopsychology from Bates College and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University and her background informs her work.
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